Whats happening at Grayscale?

Grayscale Store and Gallery will be opening up all of its spaces on Saturday, 25 May as part of this year's Contra Fair. Our aim is to allow people to see behind the scenes a little bit on how we put together our exhibitions and to showcase how we have been uniting the streets with the gallery space to create a uniquely authentic experience in the heart of the city.

On top of opening  our studio doors, we will have live graffiti being painted by one of our artists, a 3d printing demo from Back Alli Toys, The Gray Side Project is showing 'Infekted By Dolphins' - a solo exhibition by local graffiti artist Slegh aka. Krinky Winky. And as part of the showcase we welcome everyone to try graffiti for themselves - there will be a wall set up with some cans that people can come try for themselves with a bit of guidance from us. This will be open to anyone wanting to try it out on the day.


We have also arranged for one of our local graffiti tour guides to do a short walk around of the Braamfontein area to see some murals in the streets first hand and experience where our artists all come from in a way. There will be a range of artworks and merchandise available from artists Rasty, Anser, Chow Mein, Rekso and Ali. Grayscale has always been a space that  represents the best of what graffiti has to offer. 

There is only on street parking at this location. We suggest that you either use an e-hail service or park at another location.




Graffiti Tour

Graffiti Tour

City Skate Tours is a tour operator based in Johannesburg that uses the City's vibrant, rich and diverse street culture to provide exciting and vibrant tours in the inner city of Joburg.

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Live Graffiti Demo

Live Graffiti Demo

Grayscale will have a space where people can try graffiti for the first time with a bit of guidance from one of the more experienced artists. Most of us never get the chance to spray a wall so this is always a lot of fun for anyone who just wants to give it a go without too much pressure. Having the 2 walls together is also a fun way of letting people experience spraypaint and to then see someone who is well practiced use it for contrast.

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